Jan. 13 St. Joseph Catholic School in Richardson
Jan. 14 Dashrath Manjhi, hero of Manjhi Moves a Mountain, born on this day in 1934 in Bihar, India
Jan. 15 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., hero of Martin & Anne, born on this day in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia
Jan. 19 Presenting Beautiful Shades of Brown at National Women’s History Museum as part of the Brave Girls series
Jan. 21 Small but Mighty Storytime with Dory Lerner of the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee, presenting Martin & Anne at Grahamwood Elementary in Memphis
Jan. 24 Martin & Anne Storytime with Tina Centineo, SEL Coordinator at the Science and Arts Academy in Des Plaines, Illinois
Jan. 26 Bolles Lower School in Florida, talking about writing biographies, how I choose my subjects, how I write them
Jan 31 A Queen to the Rescue and how and why I write biographies at Albert Einstein Academy in Wilmington, Delaware with teacher Adina Mattes
Feb. 1 Pre-WRAD (World Read Aloud Day)
12:45 p.m. Read Manjhi Moves a Mountain
1:15 p.m. Read Manjhi Moves a Mountain
3:15 p.m. Read The William Hoy Story
9 p.m. Read Irving Berlin, the Immigrant Boy Who Made America Sing with Pathways School in India
Feb. 3 WRAD (World Read Aloud Day)
8:30 a.m. Read Charlie Takes His Shot
9 a.m. Read Charlie Takes His Shot
10 a.m. Read Charlie Takes His Shot
10:40 a.m. Read Martin & Anne
11 a.m. Read Charlie Takes His Shot
11 a.m. Read Charlie Takes His Shot
11:30 a.m. Read The William Hoy Story
12:15 p.m. Questions and answers about books
12:35 p.m. Read Charlie Takes His Shot
1 p.m. Read Charlie Takes His Shot
1:30 p.m. Read Beautiful Shades of Brown
2 p.m. Questions and answers about books
2:30 p.m. Read Martin & Anne
Feb. 3
10:30 a.m. Beautiful Shades of Brown
12:30 p.m. Questions and answers about books
Feb. 4
Presenting Dear Mr. Dickens to the NSW Dickens Society in Sydney Australia
Feb. 7 Charles Dickens, hero of Dear Mr. Dickens, born on this day in 1812 in Portsmouth, England
Feb. 7 9:30 a.m. Presenting The William Hoy Story at Murphy Elementary in Metamora, Michigan
Feb. 8 9:30 a.m. DARSPA association of Retired Teachers in Denton
Feb. 9 11:30 a.m. Presenting The William Hoy Story in Chicago, Illinois
Feb. 10 Lakewood Elementary, presenting in person to 3rd, 4th and 5th graders
With librarian Robin Wootan Patillo at Lakewood Elementary in Dallas
Feb. 19 Talking about Henrietta Szold, the heroine of A Queen to the Rescue, at “The Real Saturday Night Live” Havdalah service presented by Kehilat Shalom in Canada
Feb. 27 Talking about A Queen to the Rescue with Judy Petersen’s Sunday School class at Congregation Har Shalom in Fort Collins, CO
Judy Petersen’s class healing the world, gathering toiletries to donate to those in need.
Feb. 28 Presenting A Queen to the Rescue and Dear Mr. Dickens at Magen David Yeshiva in Brooklyn, New York
March 1 Presenting A Queen to the Rescue to classes at Yeshivah of Flatbush Elementary School with librarian Leah Bennett
March 2 Read Across America with students, presented by Henderson County Library in Athens, Texas
Read about my visit in the Athens Daily Review here.
March 8 Recording remarks for the National Jewish Book Awards Ceremony, presented by Jewish Book Council
March 9 Presenting Martin & Anne at Exhibition Spotlight: Let Me Be Myself, Anne Frank in All of Us at Pentacrest Museums at the University of Iowa
March 13 Presenting A Queen to the Rescue Canadian-Wizo Purim Party and Hadassah Hospital fundraiser in Calgary and Toronto, Canada
Had a blast, wearing a tiara for our Purim Party with Canadian Hadassah-WIZO
March 13 Sharing A Queen to the Rescue at Beth Torah Congregation in Richardson (after zooming in Canada)
Walked out of the library of Congregation Beth Torah in Richardson where I was Zooming with Canadian Hadassah WIZO, down the hall to a lovely inspiring Hadassah Dallas meeting! Loved being introduced by Jo Reingold, who read an early version of the manuscript and wrote the blurb for the back of the book in a program that featured a keynote speech by Naomi Adler, the new CEO of Hadassah, and to Randy Grigsby who has written his own adult book about children that Henrietta Szold saved from the Holocaust.
March 15: Call-in interview about Dear Mr. Dickens with Carolivia Herron, professor at Howard University and host at Epic City radio, broadcasting live from 4-5 p.m., WOWD-LP Takoma Park, streaming also on takomaradio.org
March 22: Presenting Martin & Anne at Venus Middle School in Venus, Texas
March 23: Presenting A Queen to the Rescue at Hadassah in Houston
March 29 Dunster House StoryWish panel with Harvard University
March 31: Presenting in person at Spring Creek Elementary in Dallas, three sessions
April 6: National Jewish Book Award ceremony, hosted by Jewish Book Council, online from 6-7 CST
April 11 Presented The William Hoy Story virtually to a New York City school in Brooklyn with Library Media Specialist Christina Johnson
April 13 Brindlewood Elementary in Flower Mound, Texas
April 19 from 12:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. CST Sharing Dear Mr. Dickens with seniors through the Endless Opportunities program in Seattle Washington.
April 21 Career Day at Paloma Creek Elementary School in Denton
April 25-28 Texas Library Association Convention in Fort Worth
Carole and me at the Texas Library Association!
MEET ME! I’ll be signing Dear Mr. Dickens in the Authors Area, Aisle 2 A Queen to the Rescue at the Publisher Spotlight Booth #2140, and talking about our READ LOCAL program that makes Texas authors available to Texas schools and organization at the SCBWI-North Texas booth. Details below.
April 26 Texas Library Association signings:
11 a.m.- 12 p.m. Signing Dear Mr. Dickens and other Albert Whitman books in the Authors Area, Aisle 2, hosted by Authors and More. Look forward to chatting there!
1-1:50 p.m. Signing A Queen to the Rescue from Creston Books/Lerner Books at Publisher Spotlight Booth #2140
3-4:00 p.m. SCBWI-North Texas booth #1443, come say hi and learn about our Read Local program for Texas, featuring local authors and their new books for your schools and events!
Had a fabulous time visiting my friends at the Junior Library Guild booth at TLA where Dear Mr. Dickens and Manjhi Moves a Mountain are Junior Library Guild selections!
April 29 In person visit with McLaughlin-Strickland school in Farmers Branch
Loved hanging out with librarian Holly Stout at McLaughlin Strickland Elementary School!
April 30 at 2 p.m. at Monkey and Dog Bookstore in Fort Worth for Independent Bookstore Day, 3608 W 7th St, Fort Worth, TX 76107 Phone: (817) 489-5747
May 3 at 1 p.m. Podcast about Dear Mr. Dickens with Art K of Bookshelf Odyssey podcast
May 5 at 11 a.m. Podcast about Dear Mr. Dickens with Hebrew Union College
May 7 Winnsboro Festival of Books 2022, moderating a panel with children’s book authors
May 11 Born on this Day: Irving Berlin! May 11, 1888. Celebrate by reading IRVING BERLIN, THE IMMIGRANT BOY WHO MADE AMERICA SING and singing your favorite Irving Berlin songs (because I best you can’t pick just one!) What are your favorite Irving Berlin songs?
Holding Irving Berlin, the Immigrant Boy Who Made America Sing in front of The Music Box on Broadway, the theater Irving co-founded to stage his hit shows.
May 15 Teaching Make ‘Em Famous, Writing Biographies of Lesser Known Figures, an online workshop with The Writing Barn in Austin. Look forward to seeing you there!
May 16 Laura Wheeler Waring, heroine of Beautiful Shades of Brown, born on this day in 1887 in Hartford, Connecticut
May 19 Queen Charlotte, heroine of The Queen and the First Christmas Tree, born on this day in 1744 in Mecklenburg-Stelitz, Germany
May 23 William Hoy, hero of The William Hoy Story, born on this day in 1862 in Houcktown, Ohio
My friend Steve Sandy, a historian and longtime advocate for William Hoy getting into the National Baseball Hall of Fame, sharing Hoy’s baseball card.
May 25 Presenting A Queen to the Rescue at National Women’s History Museum as part of the museum’s FREE virtual Brave Girls storytelling series. Register and attend from anywhere here.
June 1 For Spacious Skies available in Braille through the National Braille Press for 400 families as the June Children’s Book of the Month selection. You can read about it on Paths to Literacy, a magazine for children who are blind, and order it here.
June 2 Charlie Sifford, hero of Charlie Takes His Shot, born on this day in 1922 in Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlie Sifford display at The World Golf Hall of Fame
June 4 Autographing Dear Mr. Dickens and The Queen and the First Christmas Tree as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration at British Emporium in Grapevine.
June 10 Richardson Public Library’s Young Authors program
June 12 Anne Frank, heroine of Martin & Anne, born on this day in 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany
June 15 Recording a Small but Mighty Storytime with Education Director Dory Lerner for the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tennessee
June 23 from 5-7 p.m. Signing Dear Mr. Dickens at Twig Book Shop alongside authors and friends Wendy Hinote Lanier and Michelle Medlock Adams
June 25 Dear Mr. Dickens honored at the National Federation of Press Women annual conference in Fargo, North Dakota
June 28 Sydney Taylor Awards Banquet at the 2022 Association of Jewish Libraries Convention at The National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia; Dear Mr. Dickens honored as a Sydney Taylor Book Award Honor Book, A Queen to the Rescue honored as a Sydney Taylor Notable Book.
June 28 from 4:30-6 p.m. EDT, 2022 Association of Jewish Libraries Conference panel entitled “Heroes, Survivors, and Upstanders: The 2022 Sydney Taylor Honor Books”
Will be sharing news of our Jewish Board Book group for 2023 at the AJL conference. Excited to share Counting On Shabbat, illustrated by Petronela Dostalova (Kar-Ben Publishing) alongside these great board books by Ann Koffsky, Sarah Aroeste, Varda Livney, Shoshana Silberman, and Vivian Kirkfield.
July 5 Hebrew Union College podcast interview about Dear Mr. Dickens
July 8 Richardson Public Library’s Young Authors program
July 9-10 Delivering keynote and doing critiques for the 2022 NF Kidlit Confab at The Writing Barn in Austin on July 9, Keynote closing speaker on July 10
All my one-on-one critiques are gone, but some are available with other faculty members and industry professionals. The next opportunity to get critiques from me will be at the SCBWI-North Texas annual conference in October.
July 12 at 12 p.m. EST NewCAJE: Empowering Students to Speak up Against AntiSemitism with Liza Weimer, author of The Assignment
July 13 at 3:30 p.m. EST NewCAJE: Speaking Up: Inspiring the Next Generation of Queen Esthers
Featuring books by Nancy Churnin, Liza Wiemer and more
Description: This session will address the virtual Jewish program the Charles Dickens Museum in London created to encourage kids to recognize signs of antisemitism and injustice and to speak up against it. Reaching back to Queen Esther's bravery in speaking up, Nancy will focus on more recent heroines Eliza Davis and Henrietta Szold as being part of the Jewish tradition of speaking up to demand social justice.
July 14 at 3:30 EST NewCAJE: Counting on Shabbat: Using Jewish Board Books to Teach Jewish Concepts and Boost Social Emotional Learning
Featuring new 2023 Jewish Board Books by Sarah Aroeste, Ann Koffsky, Vivian Kirkfield, Varda Livney and Nancy Churnin
You can't start too early getting kids excited about books, learning and Jewish heritage and culture. Nancy will talk about six new Jewish board books coming out in 2023, as well as existing Jewish-themed board books, and how they can be used to build pride, understanding and an appreciation of diversity, with Sephardic and Ashkenazi representation, Jewish values of chesed, holiday celebrations and rituals, including challah, Havdallah, mezuzahs and matzoh. There will be Q and A, tips from professional educators and craft ideas with breakout rooms for participants to discuss ways in which they can use the books in the classrooms, followed by 30 minutes of discussion. A full bibliography of board books will be available along with teacher guides for some of the books.
July 17 at 10-11:30 a.m. Dallas Jewish BookFest at the Aaron Family JCC in Dallas, presenting Dear Mr. Dickens
With Rachelle Weiss Crane, presenting Dear Mr. Dickens at the inaugural Dallas Jewish BookFest Jr at JCC Dallas
After listening to Dear Mr Dickens, these wonderful kids at the Dallas Jewish BookFest Jr. made signs saying Every Body Matters, All Are Welcome, Be Kind, Recycle and Don’t Litter.
July 29 from 3:15-4:15 p.m. PST Presenting Dear Mr. Dickens at the Dickens Universe at UC Santa Cruz, followed by a panel interview by Professor Murray Baumgarten, one of the Dickens scholars thanked in the acknowledgements,
A joyful presentation of Dear Mr. Dickens at #DickensUniverse at the The Dickens Project at UC Santa Cruz Friday! Gratitude to all, especially Professor Murray Baumgarten, thanked in the acknowledgments and our wonderful moderator, Professor Alma Heckman.
Aug. 12 Katharine Lee Bates, heroine of For Spacious Skies, born on this day in 1859 in Falmouth, Massachusetts
Aug. 20 Presenting Beautiful Shades of Brown at the Tulisoma South Dallas Book Fair at the African American Museum in Dallas
Having a blast with friends old and new at Tulisoma Book Festival!
Aug. 26 Presenting Beautiful Shades of Brown at the Ruby Bridges Reading Festival at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis
Reading Beautiful Shades of Brown at the Ruby Bridges Reading Festival
Sept. 1 The William Hoy Story debuts in Spanish on Kindle, available to schools on OverDrive
Sept. 2 10:30-11:30 a.m. Presenting Beautiful Shades of Brown at Bookmarks, a Dallas Public Library branch at NorthPark Center
Children drawing masterpieces like Laura Wheeler Waring, the heroine of Beautiful Shades of Brown and me reading a follow-up story, The William Hoy Story, and teaching sign language. Thank you, Bookmarks, a Dallas Public Library branch at NorthPark Center, for being fabulous hosts for me and for wonderful families and kids!
Sept. 10 1-3 p.m. Presenting The William Hoy Story at Oshkosh Museum virtual visit
Sept. 17, 2022 Trinity River Book Fest in Fort Worth, Texas
Sept. 18 3:30-5 p.m. CST Picture Book Palooza with Mira Reisberg
Sept. 23 Kicking off the Young Authors program of Harvard College StoryWish, a program for children
Sept. 30 School visit with Dorsey Elementary in Rowlett
Oct. 10 at 9:20 a.m. CST Virtual The William Hoy Story presentation and discussion with Lisa Badalamenti’s class at Leonia Schools.
Oct. 11 2 p.m. My Messy Muse Girl Power on Facebook, focusing on Dear Mr. Dickens (30 minutes)
Oct. 15 Presenting on the faculty of SCBWI-North Texas retreat, doing critiques and two presentations: “How To Make True Stories Sing” and “When and Why to Co-Author”
Oct. 22 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Signing copies of Charlie Takes His Shot for youth at the First Tee of Greater Houston
Oct. 22 A quick visit to my friend Guy Streatfeild at British Isles in Houston, where I dropped off bookmarks for Dear Mr. Dickens and The Queen and the First Christmas Tree. Special bonus: I got to see his life-size King and Queen pop-ups and the store was celebrating Growlaween, so I got to pet lots of cute dogs!
Oct. 23 Presenting Dear Mr. Dickens at the Evelyn Rubenstein JCC of Houston Family Day at the Book Festival, part of the Jewish Book Council Author Tour
The children were inspired to speak up, as Eliza Davis did, by drawing pictures of changes they would like to see in the world.
Oct. 25 Highlander School in Dallas
Oct. 27 at 9:15 a.m. CST Virtual presentation of Manjhi Moves a Mountain to Christina Bandini’s class at Saint Saviour Catholic Academy in Brooklyn
Oct. 27 at 6 p.m. CST AJL Presents for "Stronger Together: Combating Antisemitism Through Positive Jewish Role Models in KidLit" with Liza Wiemer and Chana Stiefel for the Association of Jewish Libraries (virtual)
Oct. 27 at 7:30 p.m. Signing Irving Berlin, the Immigrant Boy Who Made America Sing for JCC Dallas at the Legacy at Midtown, following an Irving Berlin presentation by Mark Kreditor, the wonderful music educator acknowledged and thanked in the book.
Nov. 4 Evans Elementary in Allen, Texas
Nov. 6 Presenting Dear Mr. Dickens at a children’s event at the Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo in Sylvania, Ohio, part of the Jewish Book Council Author Tour
Nov. 8 Moderating a Virtual Jewish Book Council JBC Writers’ Conference panel, “Using Kidlit to Build Allyship Within and Outside the Jewish Community” with panelists Sarah Darer Littman, Chana Stiefel and Liza Wiemer. Register by clicking here.
Nov. 13 Presenting Dear Mr. Dickens on a panel discussion with local authors at the Gordon Jewish Community Center in Memphis, Tennessee, part of the Jewish Book Council Author Tour
Nov. 17 Mohawk Elementary in Richardson
Nov. 20 Presenting Dear Mr. Dickens at Temple Sinai in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, part of the Jewish Book Council Author Tour
Register here for this free presentation of Dear Mr. Dickens at Temple Sinai in Pittsburgh!
A wonderful surprise! While I was at Temple Sinai in Pittsburgh, the Jewish Caucus of NCTE highlighted Dear Mr. Dickens in their presentation! Thank you to my friend, Liza Wiemer, who attended NCTE for sending me this picture.
Nov. 22 Building Bountiful Board Books, an SCBWI-Israel panel featuring Sarah Aroeste, Vivian Kirkfield, Ann Koffsky, Varda Livney and me talking about our 2023 board books.
So much fun talking Board Books with all these great folks!
Dec. 4 Presenting Dear Mr. Dickens at the Hamilton Jewish Federation in Hamilton, Ontario, part of the Jewish Book Council Author Tour
Dec. 7 10:30-11:30 a.m. Presenting The Queen and the First Christmas Tree at Bookmarks, a Dallas Public Library branch at NorthPark Center. Details here.
Dec. 21 Henrietta Szold, heroine of A Queen to the Rescue, born on this day in 1860 in Baltimore, Maryland.
Jan. 13: Kent Elementary in Carrollton, school visit
Jan. 22 Presenting Dear Mr. Dickens to third and fourth graders as well as a professional development program for K-8 teachers at Temple Israel Minneapolis, part of the Jewish Book Council Author Tour
Jan. 27 Presenting at Prestwick Elementary in The Colony
Jan. 29 Bournemouth and Poole Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) Committee in the UK presents Martin & Anne reading to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day. The event’s theme is “Ordinary People.”
Jan. 30 Presenting Martin & Anne at Venus Middle School
Feb. 1 WRAD
Excited to share CHARLIE TAKES HIS SHOT with Richmond, Texas & Darien, Connecticut; THE WILLIAM HOY STORY with Castine, Maine; Downers Grove, Illinois and Attica, Ohio and MANJHI MOVES A MOUNTAIN with Talmo, Georgia with great kids for WRAD2023!
Feb. 3 An extra WRAD visit, sharing The William Hoy Story with students at River Oaks Baptist School, Houston
Feb. 8 An extra WRAD visit, sharing Dear Mr. Dickens with Dedham Public Schools in Massachusetts
Join Ms. Eve and me on Instagram Live February 9 at 1 p.m.!
Feb. 7: "But what made Charles Dickens a hero in Eliza's eyes is that he used the power of his pen to help others."
--Dear Mr. Dickens
Happy Birthday to the great Charles Dickens, born On This Day in 1812!
My post for the fabulous, free February NFFest ran Feb. 7. You can read it here: https://www.nffest.com/2023/02/using-nonfiction-techniques-in.html
Feb. 10, 2023 Arapaho Classical Magnet School in Richardson
Feb. 12, 2023 Presenting Dear Mr. Dickens at a Children’s Event at the Jewish Federation of San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys in Monrovia, California as part of the Jewish Book Council’s Author Tour
Feb. 15 Virtual visits, presenting Martin & Anne in New York City and The William Hoy Story in Newburgh, NY
Feb. 23, 2023 at 11 a.m. Presenting at Denton Women’s Club, 610 Oakland Street, Denton
Had the best time sharing my Author Journey with Denton ‘ Club! Thanks, Phyllis Pearson Minton, for inviting me!
Feb. 24 presenting at Math Science Technology School (MST) in Richardson ISD
March 2 Read Across America. JLG shares video of me talking about Dear Mr. Dickens
WE ARE ALL READERS: Sharing Manjhi Moves a Mountain with Suzanne M. Henseler Quidnessett Elementary School and Fishing Cove Elementary School in North Kingstown, RI
Presenting Martin & Anne virtually with Castleberry ISD in Fort Worth
Come join us at the Dallas Literary Festival, featuring Noelle LeVeaux, Aryele Maye & me giving readings, signing books and doing activities outdoors with the kids. Thankful to Dr. Sanderia Faye Southern Methodist University & H-E-B for your sponsorship of this wonderful event. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dallas-literary-festival-presented-by-smu-smu-english-department-heb-tickets-543279994087
March 6 Presenting Beautiful Shades of Brown virtually for the Westover Magnet community in Stamford, CT
March 8 Presenting Martin & Anne virtually for Sagamore Elementary School in Atlanta, Georgia
March 8 Presenting Manjhi Moves a Mountain virtually for the Dublin Unified School District in Dublin, California
March 15-17 School visit in Wisconsin, in person
Join me for a virtual Book Share of Dear Mr. Dickens at The Eric Carle Museum in Amherst, Massachusetts March 21! Register here: https://www.carlemuseum.org/visit/events/book-share-nancy-churnin
March 30 Lunch with the Authors, presented by Assistance League of San Jose, Thursday at 3:30 p.m. CST, Congregation Shir Hadash, Los Gatos
Did you know that the Assistance League of San Jose provides books 2 classrooms, services 2 shelters, caps 4 chemo patients, teddy bears 2 kids in crisis & so much more? Please support their LUNCH WITH THE AUTHORS fundraiser; you'll help so many! Click here 2 register & learn more: https://www.assistanceleague.org/san-jose/
April 19-22, 2023 Texas Library Association in Austin, two panels, plus book signings
April 20 at 11 a.m. Signing Dear Mr. Dickens in Albert Whitman booth #1231 at TXLA
April 20 at 3 p.m.
April 20 at 4:30 p.m.
April 21 Being interviewed by Van, the blue library puppet of Austin Public Library, at 12 p.m.!
April 23 Presenting Dear Mr. Dickens virtually as part of a Religious School event at Congregation Agudat Achim in Schenectady, New York as part of a Jewish Book Council Author Tour
April 26 Presenting in person at Town Center Elementary School in Coppell
April 28 Presenting at BOOKS IN BLOOM as the featured guest at the luncheon benefitting the Henderson County Clint W. Murchison Memorial Library in Athens, Texas
Look forward to being featured at BOOKS IN BLOOM at the wonderful Henderson County Clint W. Murchison Memorial Library on April 28
May 1 Presenting in person at Boggess Elementary School, part of Plano ISD, in Murphy
May 3 Presenting in person at Greenhill School in Addison, Texas
May: PJ Library Israel Author Adventure
May 11, Irving Berlin is born on this day in 1888
May 16 Laura Wheeler Waring is born on this day in 1887
May 17 Presenting in person at Duncanville Reads at Charles Acton Leadership Academy in Dallas
May 19 Queen Charlotte is born on this day in 1744
May 23 William Hoy is born on this day in 1862
June 2 Dr. Charlie Sifford is born on this day in 1922
June 8 Keynote speech for elementary school educators at Dallas Holocaust Museum
June 9 Richardson Public Library Young Authors program
June 12 Anne Frank is born on this day in 1929
June 17 Presentation at Preston Royal Library in Dallas
June 25: Presenting to SCBWI-Israel
June 30 Richardson Public Library Young Authors program
Aug. 12 Katharine Lee Bates is born on this day in 1859
Sept. 7, 2023 Mama’s Year With Cancer, co-authored with Shayna Vincent, illustrated by Wazza Pink, releases from Albert Whitman & Company
Sept 7, 2023 Lila and the Jack-o’-Lantern, Halloween Comes to America, illustrated by Anneli Brey, releases from Albert Whitman & Company
Nov. 7, 2023 Valentines for All, Esther Howland Captures America’s Heart, illustrated by Monika Roza Wisniewska, releases from Albert Whitman & Company
Nov. 7, 2023 Counting on Shabbat, illustrated by Petronela Dostalova, releases from Kar-Ben Publishing
Dec. 21 Henrietta Szold is born on this day in 1860
April 8-10, 2024: Presenting at Cincinnati schools: Rockwern Academy and Hills Schools
Debuting May 2024: Rainbow Allies, the True Story of Kids Who Stood Against Hate, illustrated by Izzie Evans, published by Beaming Books
Debuting September 2024
A School Library Journal Star for Dear Mr. Dickens, National Jewish Book Award, Sydney Taylor Honor, Junior Library Guild, Chicago Public Library Best Informational Books, Tablet Magazine Best Jewish Children’s Books, Bank Street School of Education Best Children’s Books in the History category, 1st place in National Federation of Press Women annual contest for Picture Book, Nonfiction, 1st place in Texas Federation of Press Women annual contest for Picture Book, Nonfiction
Three Starred Reviews for A Queen to the Rescue from School Library Journal, Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly, Sydney Taylor Notable, Social Studies Notable, Hadassah Magazine’s Books for the Kinderlach, Bank Street Chool of Education Best Children’s Books in the Biography and Memoir category
A Starred Review from Publishers Weekly for A QUEEN TO THE RESCUE! Read it here.
A Starred Review from School Library Journal for A QUEEN TO THE RESCUE!
A National Council for the Social Studies Notable for A QUEEN TO THE RESCUE and Hadassah Magazine’s Books for the Kinderlach
Beautiful Shades of Brown is a 2022 Towner Book Award nominee
Beautiful Shades of Brown is also a National Council for the Teachers of English Notable, a Silver Eureka winner, A Mighty Girl pick and finalist for the Kids Choice Book Awards.
Martin & Anne is on the 2021-2022 Louisiana Young Readers Choice Award list for grades 3-5
Martin & Anne is also a 2021 Hamilton Cast Read Aloud, presented by Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History; a 2020 Books for a Global Society Notable from the International Literacy Association; on the 2020 New York City Department of Education Civics for All list; a 2020 Wisconsin State Reading Association Picture This! list; a 2020 Wassmuth Center for Human Rights pick; selected for the 2020 Social Justice and Children’s Literature list of The Pirate Tree; presented at NYC School Librarians conference in NYC and the Museum of Tolerance in LA; on the 2020 PJ Library’s Jewish Books to Read in Honor of MLK Jr. Day; a 2019 March Book Buzz pick for the eMissourian, Children’s Book Council’s Hot Off the Press list and Ruby Bridges Reading Festival selection; 2019 featured book at Tulisoma South Dallas Book Fair; a 2019 pick for the Brave Bookshelf by ParentMap; a Civil Rights and Race reading list by the Jewish Book Council and a 2020 Northern Lights Book Award winner in the Historical Category.
Birthdays of Book Subjects:
Jan. 14: Dashrath Manjhi
Jan. 15: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Feb. 7: Charles Dickens
May 11: Irving Berlin
May 16: Laura Wheeler Waring
May 19: Queen Charlotte
May 23: William Hoy
June 2: Charlie Sifford
June 12 Anne Frank
Aug. 12: Katharine Lee Bates
Dec. 21: Henrietta Szold